Pot of Pounce in Black


18 in stock


Pounce’ is the traditional medium for transferring a design, with great accuracy, to fabric using the ‘prick and pounce’ method. Although many modern alternatives are now available, prick and pounce is still an extremely useful method for transfer on to fabrics which aren’t sufficiently translucent to use with a light box (e.g. heavy linen, wool, felt, leather). It is highly effective for techniques such as appliqué where accurately tessellating elements of the same design must all be transferred to a variety of fabrics.

The design is drawn on to tracing paper, the tracing then being ‘pricked’ with a fine needle, before placing the ‘pricking’ over the desired fabric and rubbing the pounce through, using a felt roll and small circular movements. The tracing is then removed, and the lines made permanent by using a fine brush and watercolour or acrylic paint, or a fine marker pen. Excess pounce is then blown and shaken away. This pounce is extremely fine and only a tiny amount is required. A small pot will last a very long time at normal rate of use. The screw lid pots include an internal sifter to avoid spillage and control release of the powder. Always test pounce on your chosen fabric before proceeding to apply to a whole design and be sure to use the tiniest amount.

We also stock pounce in grey and white.  Our hand-made wool felt pouncers are perfect for applying pounce evenly and smoothly to your pricked pattern, using small circular motions.

Additional information

Weight 20.73 g
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 2.2 cm


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